Otago Youth Wellness Trust

Supporting rangatahi and whānau in Dunedin


Jo Mohan

Lead Designer:

Lucinda McConnon

Video Production:

Alex Lovell-Smith & Paula Hellyer

The Otago Youth Wellness Trust has a long history of providing services to rangatahi and their whānau.

OYWT required a brand refresh as part of their 25 year celebrations. The result was an evolution of the existing brand that references the energy and enthusiasm of both the staff and the rangatahi they work with. In addition to updating the website and refreshing the brand, the Trust wanted people to develop a better understanding of their history and work. Our video team interviewed past and present staff to produce a short doco that traverses the inception of the organisation through to the work they continue to undertake today.

Otago Youth Wellness Trust Website
OYWT Donation Tiles
Otago Youth Wellness Trust Website Mobile
Otago Youth Wellness Trust New Logo
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